Friday, September 19, 2014


A quark is one of the fundamental particles that joins together to make protons and neutrons. Or in other words they are the building blocks that make up everything....

I have changed the definition a little to suit my needs. As a crafter it takes bits and pieces of many different items to make something beautiful. I came up with the name Q.U.A.R.K.S. to reflect some of the ideas I want to share. Each letter stands for a different craft and will be discussed on different days.

Q = Quilting  
U = Up-cycling
A = Arts and Crafts
R = Recycling
K = Kitchen Skills
S = Scrapbooking

I am excited about trying something different and sharing some of my knowledge and the knowledge of others as we learn more about quilting, scrapbooking, arts and crafts, cooking and up-cycling/recycling. 
If there is anything you would like to discuss or you have questions about my techniques please let me know... I will do my best to answer your questions.

Oni Brewer